Computational Science Center
What is computational science?
Computational science is a field concerned with using computational methods to solve problems and explore data. We interpret this broadly as the use of computing across disciplines for a variety of applications, including academic research, creative inquiry, and artistic expression.
Our values
Thinking critically about the role of technology and computation in society
Accessibility and inclusion, in computational fields, practice, and pedagogy
Interdisciplinary applications of computational methods
Participate & Engage
We host educational and social events open to the entire Barnard community. Our workshops are open to people from all fields who are curious about learning new programming languages and applications of computing in varying contexts, including working with data, web development and accessibility, interactive visualizations, and machine learning. Our social events create a sense of community for students, staff and faculty interested in computational science.
Spaces for Community & Collaboration

CSC Classroom (Milstein 516): In addition to a state-of-the-art computer lab, this classroom has a CyberTouch Visualization Wall which promotes interactive learning. The classroom is also open to students as a workspace when not in use during class time. See Visit Us to view a live calendar with open hours.

Math/Computer Science Collaboration Space (Milstein 502): This space hosts the Math tutoring and CS tutoring Help Rooms and other academic resources, and offers a place for students to study and collaborate. This room has several floor-to-ceiling chalkboards, mobile whiteboards, comfortable chairs and couches, and tables.

CSC Social Space (Milstein 514): Home to many CSC, Computer Science, and Math social events, our lounge is also the perfect place to take a study break. The space has tables, couches, and a large chalkboard.

Come By & Say Hi!
We're located on the fifth floor of the Milstein Center for Teaching & Learning.